hye..miss my blog laa..soo many things to share but i've no time to update this blog..tonite,i wanna spend a lil' time wif u guys..juz to share apa yang i buat recently...
skarang ni i stay kat uia gombak..merasa laa jugak stay kat main campus kan...everyday except friday..i will be at zoo negara..buat apa?..i praktikal kat sana..so far, sangat best;P..lot n lot of things to learn and explore..staffs sume baik je so far..everyday, macam excited laa nak g keje..even weekend pon kna keje..sebbaek i juz buat 10 weeks je practical,so x la lama sangat..lagipun every week,i and my friends x keje kat tempat yang sama je...kami akan ke section lain2..eg birds house,reptile house,savannah and etc..
so anyone interested to go to zoo?..i suggest datang on saturday or sunday...meriah sikit on weekend..bleh pegang2 binatang n feed certain2 animals like giraffe..;)
em..so tired laa..so let the pics, tell u the story....;P

ular sawa..my wish nak pgg ular dah tercapai..;)

pademelon..look like a kanggaroo..but it's smaller


black and white fish..

" gotcha!!!.. err.. ^_^ "

juz...FUN :)

aquarium section..better than aquaria;P

we r animal lovers...;)
p/s:...hmm,sape laa yang ckp i ni da double...salah phm laa ni..=P