13 December 2015

Coldplay - everglow lyric

Oh, they say people come
They say people go
This particular diamond was extra special

And though you might be gone, and the world may not know
Still I see you celestial

Like a lion you ran, goddess you rolled
Like an eagle you circled in perfect purple

So how come things move on?
How come cars don't slow?
When it feels like the end of my world
When I should but I can't let you go

But when I'm cold, cold
When I'm cold, cold
There's a light that you give me
When I'm in shadow
There's a feeling you give me, an everglow

Like the brothers in blood, sisters who ride
Yeah we swore on that night we'd be friends till we died
But the changing of winds and the way waters flow
Life as short as the falling snow
Now I'm going to miss you, I know

But when I'm cold, cold
In water rolled, salt
I know that you're with me, and the way you will show
And you're with me wherever I go
And you give me this feeling, this everglow

Oh, what I wouldn't give for just a moment to hold
Yeah, I live for this feeling, this everglow

So if you love someone you should let them know
Oh, the light that you left me will everglow....

11 June 2015


Since that day..

i think about it alot.. Everyday..every night..and when i was traveling..it become worst.. When i saw the blue sky, the cotton-candy clouds and the green trees..my heart and mind would always pray that Allah please show me the right thing to do...because i dont know what is left right now  ...it feels like what i have been going through is timeless..

I tried to forget

I tried to throw it away 

But how many times i told myself that i should stop hoping..i should stop doing what i have been doing...i should delete, erase or block...

But i dont have enough strength to do so 

Because the truth is, i never walked away

I am still here

Why the heart is so strong
But i feel so weak

03 June 2015

Birthday mama

Kenangan yg terindah dalam hidup...saat dia pegang tgn erat2 masa first time nak tawaf kaabah...sbb anak dia ni dah start mengalir air mata masa nmpk kaabah...dia bisik kat telinga, "doalah la apa saja yg ada dlm hati dgn ikhlas..inshaAllah" 

Confirm2lah mengalir macam air hujan lps dia bisik tu...

Itulah ibu..tanpa kau bersuara, tanpa beritahu dia apa2..dia tahu.. 



Selamat hari lahir ma! Semoga sentiasa sihat, dipjgkan umur,dimurahkan rezeki..i love u ma! 

Ya Allah, bahagiakan ibubapaku di dunia dan akhirat..aminn 

13 May 2015

Janji syurga


Ujian Allah 

Jika semalam, Allah buat kamu gembira..bersyukurlah..
Dia bagi kita peluang untuk rasa bahagia walaupun sekejap..

Dan jika hari ini, kamu bersedih..
Bertabahlah..sebenarnya Allah bagi kita peluang supaya tak pernah lupa pd Dia..

Walau apa pun yg berlaku..
Baik atau buruk..kembalilah pada pencipta.

Apa yg aku harap
kita takkan pernah lupa pd Pencipta yg Esa,
Dan Allah sentiasa lindungi dan berkati setiap perjalanan kita di dunia sementara..

Doa adalah senjata muslim yg plg terbilang kan? 
Gunakanlah sehabis baik :) ..
Redha dgn setiap ujiannya..
Ingat wahai hati..apa yg Allah bagi adalah yg terbaik utk kita.

Semoga kita sama2 usaha,
sama2 doa,
Sama2 sujud,
Sama2 minta syurga:)

In sha Allah..
Semoga awak pun sama.
Berubahlah utk yg ESA.

Semoga janji kita.. 

Janji syurga. :)

*benar kita doa atas tikar sejadah, bukan dlm alam maya..cuma aku sampaikan di sini agar ada hati yg mendengar..ada hati yg memahami..moga2 ada hati yg berubah... In sha Allah*..sesungguhNya aku juga pendosa..takkan pernah sempurna.

Manusia hanya boleh memaafkan..
hanya Allah yg boleh mengampunkan.. 

Semoga Allah permudahkan urusan dunia dan akhirat kita

17 January 2015



Hari ke minggu ke bulan...
Mungkin akan berganti tahun..

Keliru kerana

Aku dah lupa dusta
Hanya ingat cinta

Am i wrong? 
What's right?
And i dont know what's left..

-17.1.15, 5.58pm-

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